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Earthmother’s Daughter
by Nancy Brady Cunningham
Persephone pushes
against the dirt ceiling
her stonebones creak
she claws up
through frozen land
endless waiting over
she drags her body
across earthcrust edge
gulps soft air
coming into full light
she squints
as colors leak into
mirror ponds where
green reflections branch out
offer sky blue eggs
cradled in a woven nest
warmth thaws her sapling limbs
into a slow turn dance
her moss body
catches sun glints
she’s spinning now
flowering hair flung out—
honeysuckle abuzz
beneath a frenzy of bees
Poem by Nancy Brady Cunningham a published poet, and author of five books of non-fiction. She has featured at many poetry venues in the Boston area and in Southeastern Massachusetts. In 2010 the New England Poetry Club awarded her two first place prizes for her poems.
The website for her non-fiction work is: danky.com/nancybradycunningham.
And for her poetry performed with percussionist Mike Morin: danky.com/design/duo