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The House
By Lili Kane
The house was yellow
like a bee gliding gracefully
caressing the flower petals,
not a thought in her mind.
Constant buzz
The house was blue like the sea
White froth builds up like a building
Brick by brick
Brick by brick
It means home
It means the heart
The sea welcomes you
The house was scarlet like blood
Fresh from war
Ripped from a heart
Bravery torn
Torn and replaced with fear
Blood does not show weakness
Blood shows bravery
Blood shows loyalty
Blood scattered
Blood hidden in the depths of your despair
The house was green like the moss
The moss that clings tightly
Never letting go
Loving until it can’t
Loving and clinging like no tomorrow
Green like Hope
Still trapped
Hope is still there
Still burning in our hearts
Still burning in our hearts
Still there waiting
And waiting
And waiting
Poem by Lili Kane a 10 year old and attends the Regional Multicultural Magnet School in New London as a fifth grader. Besides being an avid reader, she loves to write stories and poetry in her free time. The inspiration for the poem was a book she has recently read called The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan.
Poetry box: Michael, Lili and Syma collaborated on the creation of their poetry box which was located by the side of the pond at Haley Farm state park. Lili wrote the poem, Lili and Syma designed the box, Michael built it and Syma decorated it.
Michael Kane is a master builder and craftsman who in addition to building new homes and remodeling old ones, builds furniture, much of it in the Shaker and Arts and Crafts styles. Syma Ebbin is a faculty member at the University of Connecticut where she teaches classes in marine and environmental science and policy. She works primarily with clay, creating functional ceramic pieces, mosaics and sculptures.